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برای شرکت در نظرسنجی درباره این سامانه کلیک کنید.
کاربر گرامی، روی‌هم‌رفته از اصطلاح‌نامه‌های علمی و فنی چه اندازه رضایت دارید؟

In many areas of scholarly work, controlled vocabularies (gazetteers, thesauri, etc.) play a crucial role as a stable reference for resources and for ensuring interoperability between disparate projects and their data. The ACDH provides a vocabulary repository service that allows for collaborative maintenance and publication of vocabularies and taxonomies of any kind.
The system is based on the open-source software Skosmos, which uses SKOS as the underlying data model. Skosmos offers browsing of vocabularies with structured concept displays and visualisation of concept hierarchies. Vocabularies can be searched with a search interface or by consulting an alphabetical or thematic index. Vocabularies can be accessed via a REST-API, to allow for Linked Data.
ACDH Vocabularies does not only serve controlled vocabularies for ACDH purposes, but is also employed for some of the central services of the CLARIN infrastructure: the CLARIN concept registry and CLAVAS, a repository for specific metadata vocabularies. Additionally ACDH aims to offer ACDH Vocabularies as a service for partners of the national CLARIAH-AT consortium, for the Thesaurus Maintenance working group in DARIAH-EU, and for WP6 - Services and tools in PARTHENOS.